Tuesday, November 13, 2007

In our times!

Let me begin ab ovo…Adam and Eve cavorting about apple trees, all that fuss and semi clad drama.
It was all fun when it began….we sure have come a long steep winding way.
Someday I’ll look back and wonder what I’d tell my children of my times….That we had it all figured out wrong?
In our times…
Time they said was money, but money was never time…
We signed peace treaties and made bigger bombs,
We married for convenience and not for love,
We worked for money and not passion,
Religion united people from across seven seas but separated brothers of the same land,
We feared to dream yet shied away from reality,
We beautified our body and killed our soul,
We solved the most complex problems yet the real ones still remained,
We used our head and not our heart,
We existed but we didn’t quite live!
Yet hope floated…
For the very best part of my day was when I fell asleep every night….I was transported back to a time when I scampered around the Garden of Eden again….honey bees…apple trees and happy memories.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Great closing line. A contemplative piece. Does touch a nerve somewhere! Love the relations you've formed between subjects. Wonderful writing!!

diaan said...
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diaan said...

loved this one.. makes one wonder if we've got all our priorities wrong which we probably do.. we are in ways unfathomable (or maybe not) victims to world we live in..