Four pairs of feet that dragged in all that dirt...all puns intended.
Fifteen years of friendship.
When we were younger, we were a bigger group; few of us survived transitions between address books and growing up. As we stood there reunited at the airport, hugging, squealing and inspecting each other to see who had changed, I felt like we were still the giggly trio we used to be. Nothing had changed.
With us distance has never been much of a problem. We might not talk every day, but when we did, it more than made up for the times we didn’t.
Diya and I have spent time together at every possible opportunity but Pinkster was visiting after a decade
Like they say, the most defining moments in your life are never planned; this one just went by unplanned despite my obsessive rehearsing. When we met, we just broke into laughter and said to each other in a chorus” You’re just the same”! That was it.
Took me back to the time when I first met Pinkster.
Under the misconception that character profiling was my forte, I instantly decided she was not my type.
Adorable kid, everyone’s favorite and I was always mistaken for a little boy!(Thank you for the fantastic styling mom).She was always prinked up in the prettiest clothes and had so many dolls while I sported the shortest hair and played cricket with the boys. Clearly, I saw no scope for friendship with Barbie.
Fate dragged us together!
We were family friends, our mothers dragged us to the same kitty parties, our brothers were in the same class and played with each other all the time, we went to the same school and somewhere along the line Pinkster and I became friends. Next thing you know Barbie doll is climbing mountains, walls and trees with me and I was playing with dolls, learning to dance and trying to grow my hair!
Soon we became inseparables. I’d wished for a sister all my life but I never imagined we would be soul mates (Except for the time I fell into a stream and she burst out laughing instead of trying to save me!)
When her family moved, I never imagined quite imagined we’d remain best friends for life.
We’ve lasted all these years, shared our worlds and so much more.
The trip somehow made up for all the years we hadn’t been together.
We strolled down memory lane and animatedly dragged each other down amnesia lane to remind us of our not so favorite moments too!
Sluggish Sunday afternoons with lemonade and letting lethargy expands our horizon,
Many grimy hands in one lunch box, puppy fat and nonage pimples,
Swings that took us to the sky, exams that brought us crashing down to reality,
Secret caves, unexplored territories and taboo questions,
Phone conversations in “P” Language, personal journals and secret crushes,
Calling of spirits and the prediction of board grades,
Hangouts, gangs and friendship bands,
Truth or dare, frizzy hair and school fairs,
Punishments, homework and constant states of penury,
The nuns and the nones.
And my talent for remembering absolutely insignificant facts (Still my trademark!)
So that’s what we did for one whole week, reminiscing and reliving every old memory and gossip on who-is-upto-what. Talking late into the night, in different hotel rooms every night.
We made a pact to take this holiday every few years, hopefully with our respective families.
After this trip I’m convinced that nothing can ever come between us. That’s the thing about people you grow up with; no matter how different our lives might end up being we’ll always share that special bond.
One week went by in a jiffy...after a million pictures (imposed on everyone by me), breathtaking views, unexpected rains and unforgettable (most appropriately, for those of you who know!) memories we bid farewell to Himachal.
I returned home with heavy heart, (not to mention the backlog at work) you know how much I despise goodbyes.
Anyways, the good news is that there’ll always be something more to look forward to and more memories that'll last a lifetime.